
Monday, December 24, 2012

No, I can't switch to Safari and to iCloud Docs (without having a MacBook)

I'm stick to Google Chrome with its Google Drive service.
Here's my reason why I prefer Google Cloud products when it comes to documents instead of Apple Solutions (Pages, Numbers, Keynote):

Reason #1. Apple doesn't have such a wonderful platform analogue, which is not only great for blogging, but also is really easy way to share thoughts along with just keeping your records about life, projects, philosophy and other aspects which needs to be recorded - e.g. I have my own premium domain and web-site, but I still use blogger for posting this article, since using blogger is easier and free!

Reason #2. Apple don't have smooth ways to access its documents (Apple Pages, Numbers) on the PC. Yeah I know about, but it doesn't work properly the same way any other Apple product doesn't work properly on PC computers (iTunes is great example). And in many place its convenient to use PC sometimes when you don't have a MacBook with you.

Reason #3. Apple's Pages / Numbers format aren't compatible with Google Docs and there's no way to reconcile with it, since I need access to my Docs from any device. Yeah probably all of the 3 reasons aren't good enough for somebody who has MacBook + iPad and work only with Apple devices - since wherever you are, you can be sure that you will be able to use your MacBook to open your documents, but in this case the problem with printing arise. Mac OS are really bad at supporting most of the old printers, especially the ones which is used in companies I work for. So probably this task can be solved by purchasing some printing server which will solve problem of not having drivers for Mac OS printers. But I haven't found such solution yet. When I will find it, I will finally switch to Apple's Cloud products - Pages & Numbers.

Okay, once we figured out why I can't switch from Google Drive to iCloud, I want to cover up why I can't switch from Chrome to Safari. Here's the reasons:

Reason #1. I don't agree with solution for bookmarks at Safari - I don't like my bookmarks to be synced. I want them to be stored at the web, the same way Google Bookmarks does this for me.

Reason #2. I don't agree with the fact that I can't view all my opened web-sites on any devices - and with Chrome I can do it.

Reason #3. I don't agree with the fact that I shouldn't be able to restore the closed web-sites on my browser - in fact at Google Chrome I can do it in the most friendly way: by pressing "Shift" + "Command" + "T" - that restores last closed web-page. I even tried to find such an option on Safari and assign a shortcut from settings for it, but unsuccessfully. I'm just not ready to lose that kind of convenience, since I accidentally close necessary pages for me throughout the day, and I don't want to change myself to not do it. This topic was discussed on

Google now want to be friendly for all 3 major operating systems manufacturers: iOS / Android and Windows Phone too (or for Mac OS and Windows too) but I personally believe that Apple products are Google's favorite since many employees at Google uses Apple products - to many people has an iPhone nowadays (its the most popular phone!), and once people start using Mac OS - most of them never go back to Windows. And that's why Google Maps was released not long ago, and that's why they try to keep their YouTube app on iPhone updated. That's why they using Mac keyboard shortcuts pattern at the web Google Docs even if you're Windows user (more details in my article about how Google eat the Apples nom nom nom nom)


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