
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Tears of PC user. Tribute to Mac OS

All our life made of details big and small. Wasting a lots of time and wasting only few hours.

This is the note to Windows 7 / XP and bellow Windows users about the problems which they struggle with, and which any Mac OS device users don't have:
* Damn Drivers. Sometimes it gets too mofo life threatening to install the drivers on all computers you got. There's just too much maintenance to the thing which already have to be in history since too many people spent too much time for this. We on the Apple Macintosh computers overcame this by supplying users with high-end hardware which you usually don't touch inside and high-end software which has pre-installed drivers! You don't have to deal with even a one piece of driver on the Mac and that's already worth paying for our expensive computers! You can't agree that installing drivers are total pain - and that's the most difficult part of OS installation
* OS Installation. Damn OS installation which take away many lives of people in terms of their time.
* The Launcher is damn good alternative for Windows "Start / Run ... "
* No gestures, no smart mouses like magic mouse, no automation like automator, no other wonderful details which makes work on Mac SO EASY.
* Errors and glitches. That's another way to cry about your wasted life.

 If you're usual user who switches the computers once Windows dies, theN, no problem - then probably you won't have to deal with any of that problems mentioned here. But be aware that for greater sustainability of this expereience you better purchase computer at least every year (or more often), and also be ready to transfer all your previous files from the other systems (and don't sure any programs from old computer!)


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