
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Hotkey alternatives for Windows to Mac OS switcher

Unfortunatelly Apple doesn't includes paper tutorial or manual with all hotkeys especially for Windows switcher and in such short and convenient form as this article, thus I think, that its too bad - since such manual could be a huge time saver for Mac OS newcomers! That's why I'm going to fix it with this article.

First off - the ALL MENU ITEMS on Mac without shortcuts CAN GET their shortcuts through Keyboard Shortcuts setting which could be found in System Preferences. There's ability to set both global shortcuts for ALL apps and the shortcuts for the MAIN system Mac OS menu (e.g. you can set shortcut for running "System Preferences..." option.


If you're Mac OS X n00b, then probably this list of shortcuts alternatives could be groundbreaking for you, because it can save you tonnes of searching time, for finding shortcuts which you had in windows:

* ]Win] + [D] or minimize all the Windows alternative: Pressing [CTRL] + [CMD] + H - Will call built in option to hide (minimize) all the Windows on Mac OS, then you close last open window manually. Yeah unfortunately there's no one built-in command which minimize all of the windows, but at least this hotkey does what you want, plus minimizing last open window is not such a key thing in your time management so you better get used to built-in hotkeys, so that you wouldn't needed to install any third party tweaks for that


  1. I have an imac G4, and would like to restore it to its original settings like when you first got it.
    Does any know how to do this?
    F.Y.I. - I don't have the OSX discs so is there a way to do this without the discs?
