
Monday, December 24, 2012

Google loves to eat Apples om-nom-nom-nom!

I am begging you to let me start my technological blog and this is my first article I suppose. Google EATS THE APPLES!!! When I were using the I found out:

* That the hot key for editing cell is [Return] key,
* thaT when you press "Backspace" it deletes the cell - it works completely the way you expect to delete files on Mac OS (except for the fact that in Mac OS you have to hold Command key with Backspaces) The same way as you rename files on Mac OS system! (If you never used Mac OS, almost first thing you notice when you're starting your work on Mac OS is absense of built-in F2 shortcut for renaming file) * Another thing is thaT - look at how highly software for the Mac OS easy to use for Android phones - it brings the idea of some integration with Mac OS & Android - which can't sound the same for any Windows operating system (Which also says that Microsoft is against any Android based ph0nes since they haven't grew up even to the competition level of the Android!) What's wrong with it?  The fact that Apple computers are pretty popular within the U.S. - the place where Google Docs were developed affected the way Google Docs were made. But I don't think that it was made just by coincidence. It was made on purpose! According to 2012 Google right now having tough times with Apple mobile operating system products, but many Google employees are using Mac computers, and big lots of users will vote for Mac when it comes to the operating systems. There are few groups of people who like Windows over the Mac so hard, that they wouldn't exchange Windows for anything, and they dwell on Windows, but that's mostly people with age over 30 who's already having difficulties with changing their mindset. I regret such people. I don't know why, but I'm kinda always open for new ideas, and the day this will change, my current ME will stop existance. Yeah that's sad too because its very likely to happen to most of us. Probably not applies to YOU. Because you're special.


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